Only one TV channel was available – so getting ready for watching the ice hockey match – the Danish TV-viewers inadvertently found themselves in the company of Poul Borum – a far from average poet and rock music reviewer discussing the merits of Ivor Axeglovitch – present and playing live (featuring Steen Bundgaard on bass) lined up in a sofa in the studio
Categories: Moments
IA moments including records and live events
Arty Farty Chocolate Party Riddersalen (1981)
A grove of old tall trees, in the shade a slowly revolving table, cakes in colors everywhere, hot cocoa, cream whipped across the summer sky, the backdrop for Ivor A’s first concert experience. Intertwined songs and sonic intermezzos served with imagery and hot chocolate. After baking the flaky tape and applying digital sorcery the first 48 min of the event can now be reexperienced